Axis will adhere to current general OSHA safety guidelines as well as state and federal recommendations/orders applicable to COVID-19.
All field personnel is required to wear respiratory protection, as pictured. Per OSHA requirements, all field personnel has received proper:
• Training
• Medical evaluation
• Fit testing to ensure proper use of the respiratory equipment.
1. We will only perform work on building exteriors until further notice or with appropriate releases should work be required on interiors.
2. All construction crew workers are required to perform the following sanitation procedures:
2a. Construction crews will adhere to OSHA Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) standards (in general industry, 29 CFR 1910 Subpart I), which require using gloves, eye and face protection, and respiratory protection. We have implemented the use of respiratory protection.
2b. Daily safety meeting regarding the coronavirus and the importance of social distancing and disinfecting tools as well as commonly used surfaces.
2c. Axis employees will practice generally accepted handwashing practices .
2d. Advise and encourage employees to avoid touching of eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
2e. Advise employees who are not feeling well to stay at home.
2f. If we believe that an employee is ill, we will instruct the employee to leave the premises and go home.
2g. Construction crews are provided one (1) time use gloves for use in the portable restrooms.
2h. Construction crews are required to disinfect the surfaces with a bleach based sanitizer after each use of the portable restroom.
3. All subcontractors will be advised that their personnel are subject to the same safety guidelines and will be removed from the site for failure comply.
4. Where applicable, only the side entry gate(s) will be used to access the community; gate handles will be disinfected.
5. Signs will be posted instructing residents to, if possible, not enter work areas. If there is no other means of ingress or egress from or to a resident’s home other than through a work area, construction crews will ensure that resident is provided social distancing of six (6) feet while in the work area.
Guidance for Preparing Workplace for COVID-19
Due to the evolving nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, Axis’ safety protocol is subject to change.